The School Finder allows you to search for information on Houston schools, as well as any school in Texas. You can search for schools based on the county, district, campus and/or zip code. … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2010
Start Neighborhood Information Search
The Neighborhood Information Finder allow you to search for and view Houston subdivisions and Houston subdivision price trends and tax rates, statistics and appraised values. … [Read more...]
Start Open House Finder Search
Open House Finder allows consumers to search for open houses of REALTOR® listed properties in the Greater Houston area. … [Read more...]
Start High-Rise Condo Search
Highrise Finder provides consumers access to a comprehensive list of features and amenities, as well as contemporary media, such as photo galleries, virtual tours, and more for residential highrise buildings within the Houston marketplace. … [Read more...]
Why invest in Houston Real Estate
Because Houston has the fastest growing economy in the United States Houston offers a great opportunity for the investor in the Real Estate market. Houston did not have the rapid appreciation and then the crash of markets in states such as Florida, and California. But prices have fallen up to 50% in some subdivisions. This has been caused by a combination of a panic reaction on the part of the public, and a desire of REO owners to sell their properties quickly. I used to tell my clients that they could not … [Read more...]
The South rises Again
ROBERT E LEE High School will play football again After a long period without football the Robert E. Lee Generals will take to the field again Thursday, August 26th at 5:30PM. The junior varsity game will take place on their home field located at 6529 Beverly Hill Lane. This game is notable for many reasons. First and foremost is the fact that Lee is an international High school and the students are more known for playing soccer than football. But it goes back further than this. Lee was started in 1963. … [Read more...]
Relocating to Houston
Bill Edge is your Harris County area relocation specialist. At Man-Edge Properties we realize that moving to a new location is difficult. That relocating is more than just moving boxes. Relocating involves making decisions about many different things which will affect your life. Our goal is to help you make the right decision, by giving you timely information and advice. Houston is an international city. With many different communities which have their own personalities. Some of these communities are … [Read more...]
HAP Houston Assistance Program
HAP Homebuyer Assistance Program The City of Houston (City) Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD) has designed the Homebuyer Assistance Program (HAP) to provide financial assistance to low-to-moderate income homebuyers in the incorporated area of the City. HCDD staff will administer the HAP according to the policy and procedures set forth in the administrative guidelines. (add link to Administrative Guidelines) Funding for HAP will be available through the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) … [Read more...]
Harris County Assistance Program
Downpayment assistance is available to qualified buyers for homeownership. The minimum requirements for the Harris County Downpayment Assistance Program: DAP: $14,200 for new construction, $9,500 for resale properties built within the current ten (10) years. You must live in the house for five (5) years, which is the affordability period. DAP for disabled borrowers: $14,400 for new construction and $14,400 for resale properties built within the current ten (10) years. You must live in the house for five (5) … [Read more...]
National Flood Insurance Program needs revision
The National Flood Insurance Program is 19 billion dollars in debt today. The program continues to provide insurance for homes which have flooded and been repaired many times over the years. Spencer Gaffney of the Washington Bureau stated “ Between 1977 and 1995 the National Flood Insurance Program paid out $806,591 for repeated storm damage to a suburban Houston home that was value at $144,480. If you think the math doesn’t add up you are not the only one.” The City of Houston advises everyone to buy Flood … [Read more...]