Taking care of your clients is the number one priority of every successful realtor. Realtors who let the commission guide them in their decisions quickly find themselves out of business. Experienced realtors know that the secret to their success is in protecting the interests of their clients. I like to say that every successful Realtor follows the 5 R’s
The 5’Rs
REPEAT BUSINESS. It can cost thousands of dollars in advertising to get a client. Statistics say that people buy or sell their home every 5 ½ years. An Investor may want to buy many homes every year. It just makes sense to take care of your client. A professional realtor will always advise against doing a deal that they know is wrong even when the client adamantly wants to do the deal. The client will respect you more and you will have their future business.
REFERRALS. If the deal is great and the service was good. Chances are the client is going to tell their friends about the transaction. On the other hand if the client lost money, you can bet what they say about you is not going to bring you any new business. To last long term a realtor simply has to have referrals.
RESALE. I assume that everybody who buys a house using Bill Edge as a realtor, will be selling the house through Bill Edge. So when my client says they love the emerald green carpet, I remind them that they are probably alone in this regard. That the carpet will most likely have to be replaced before the home can be sold. Same thing with weird floor plans, bad locations, structural problems etc. Not only is the client advised as to the present condition of the home, but they are told about the future sale prospects.
RENTAL. With investors, not only do you assist in the purchase of the property but many times you also handle the rentals. If the property is not bought right and the numbers do not add up correctly. The investor will not make their return on investment and the realtor has lost a client. The golden rule is no one likes to lose money and if that happens the relationship between the realtor and the investor goes south quickly.
RATING. Today’s clients are looking to the internet for information. More and more they are asking for a rating before they select a realtor. Not only does a rating matter but also what the client says about the realtor. I have a 4.7 rating out of 5 stars with 51 reviews. If I get a bad review it sits out there for everyone to see for what seems like years.
There are many fine realtors out there who will provide you with great representation. Rest assured that the commission is secondary to a professional realtor.
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